WPASS 100 -2010

WPASS 100 -2010

Monday, February 1, 2010


ok, finally, here they are!

feel free to complain about any scoring/checkpoints. we've got it all on paper and can double check stuff if it's incorrect.

Full race:
1st:Double Espresso(1st pair - Tbl Mtn Abseil courtesy Abseil africa)
2nd:Rust Proof
4th:Gooi mielies(1st mixed - entry to QA Spur Hi-Tec oak valley race)
5th:Running Goose
6th:Sleepless tigers(2nd mixed - entry to QA Spur Hi-Tec oak valley race)

unranked(for those who missed Compulsory Points - naughty naughty!):
kamakaze otters
inertial instabilities
AR Wannabees
funny bones
knysna maestros
moon tanners

binary mince pies(1st lite - Tbl Mtn Abseil courtesy Abseil africa)
oakhill1(1st Junior - Tbl Mtn Abseil courtesy Abseil africa)

Well done to all who completed. keep out there!

explanation on penalty deductions:
stages 1 and 2, 1 point deducted if after cut off time, and for every 10 minutes therafter.
Stage 3. cut off extended by an hour to 12pm, and a point deducted for every half hour thereafter.


Some of the racer's might have noticed Kobus darting in and out of the course on Saturday. Unfortunately he battled to find us at first as there is barely enough signal for an SOS call in the northern part of the valley where we first started!

What a pity, as once we had met up(both driving in opposite directions!) he managed to get in some great shots in just a few hours. I'd love to know the story from the oakhill boys, you see they finished off the bike leg with a twist!

go have a look here for the race photos he picked for us.

and at his main site here

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Any anecdotes? well add them in here!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

The final kloof!

Looks like it was a bit roffer than we thought, most teams in now.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

The leaders

With stage 2 almost done and dusted,we have an exciting finale to the race coming up.team double espresso of jamie waters and sean hutchinson have been just ahead of rust proof(albert and alec rust). Having both collected all compulsory and bonus points, they are bizarrely now on identical race time.

Its a sprint drag to the finish at fairfield. Witzenberg pass should decide it, but it's early on in the day.

Otherwise ugene nel and mark loftus of team energy could pip them both if things get out of control.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Prizes and sponsors

Whilst not really a commercial event, we do have a few people to thank for making our prizegiving just that.

Abseil Africa
Quantum Adventures

And that spiffy doublecab i've been leant for the week-end, that's courtesy of Securistore


Get to the Gydo pass (from the south, I hope!)
as you arrive at the summit, you will see a tar road rising to the west, that is the road into this mystical valley.
Before you get to any buildings, take the turnoff to this road, it is unmarked, but if you overshoot it, turn around and from the north it is marked as WITZENBERG VALLEY. Reset your odometer.

Distances taken off google earth, I will trial them and update on the website if there are any glaring errors. If you see any OLD MUTUAL bunting/candytape, follow it!

5.5km - go straight past t-junction(avoid right turn)
1km – go right at t-juction(tar road)
3.9km – turn right at t-junction(tar road)...**remember this spot**
(for those arriving friday night, continue to the campsite, you can drop off canoes on sat morning)
1.7km -turn right onto gravel road
0.5km take right hand fork
1km – drive along dam wall
~200m grove of trees alongside dam is on your left, this is the canoe dropoff.
Coordinates - 33°12'28.33"S - 19°15'3.63"E

Return to ****spot****
2km Follow the tar road west initially before it turns northwards and after some built up sheds, turns to dirt.
2.2km follow dirt road, passing the now famous rugby field to your right until you reach a fork labelled private/howbill
1.9km take the left fork and continue till you get to some sheds
0.7km continue straight, passing a small reservoir to your left and workers cottages to your right. The road gets a little rutted here, so proceed slowly until you reach the campsite/race HQ
co-ordinates 33°10'17.19"S - 19°13'33.27"E (ok, now you can turn your GPS off!)

Final instructions

Race office is winding it all up and moving to the valley tomorrow.

A final mail will go out tonight to all registered teams.

The good news is we have a dedicated race doctor, Dr James Pape. He's just spent three years at Bara so shouldn't have a problem with your measly cuts and scrapes.

See you there, either on friday evening or early saturday.


Monday, January 18, 2010

Race Details - How to enter

ok, it's like so totally easy

click here

and fill in your team details under the next available row

The only tricky thing is are you doing the Full(3 stages) or Lite(no night stage), and do you have seconds to help you?

And then, We'll fill in the paid once we have confirmed the cash.
Full R300pp
Lite R250pp

J Baumgarten
ABSA bank
Branch - 632005 (Waterfront)
Account - 9196526664

simple, neh? and you get to see who's racing too


uhh, the long awaited whereisit?!

We're very lucky to present to you, the WITZENBERG VALLEY (huh?).
It's hiding between Ceres and Tulbagh, nestled between the witzenberg and skurweberge ranges.

Still lost, well it's here:WITZENBERG

Basically you go to the top of the GYDO PASS and turn left into an unmarked road which takes you to the valley itself. I'll post up the final detailed driving directions to the campsite/start later(it involves dropping off canoes on the way, so I want to get it right!).

CAMPSITE costs are included in race fee. For supporters as well(within reason). It has a single ablutions and no electricity; but views to die for, shade for africa and grass for jamaica.

The finish is at (drum roll)

Fairfield Cottages
click here. If camping is not your supporters' cup of rooibos, then Lizaan has the fynbos cottage (sleeps 12!) available.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Boring but oh so necessary RaceAdmin

right click, save target as.

Kit list is here

EntryForm is here
cut and paste the pdf into word
fill it in, save and send off to westprov@gmail.com
or email for the doc format.

We'll add and update entries here

We have have got teams coming from grabouw, knysna, plet and hopefully a Tweet from joburg. So come on capetown!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Location clue

Exact race Start and directions will be announce on monday. Let this one shuffle your brain over the week-end.

See you at Oaklane cottages for QUANTUM SPUR HI-TEC #1 on Sunday

ps. it's a supercryptic clue

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

PARTNERS required?

Got everything together except for a race partner?

Under no circumstances will we allow solos to race.

call this the lonely hearts column, post away.

I suggest adding in recent race results/race ambitions/extraordinary skills

Monday, January 11, 2010

The finish

The start and finish are seperate venues, just to throw the impression of point to point for the final stage.

That helps those with seconds, as they can pack up camp and go wait at the finish after the last transition. Then it's actually quite easy to get on the road to the way home. Those without seconds will have to jump back into cars and we'll shuttle you back to the HQ.

Secondly, it's got a dam. a massive one, so we can all splash around whilst we wait. Plenty of shade, so bring a chair. It even has cell reception, which is kinda sketchy at the start.

We'll have prizegiving there, exact time to be confirmed later, but bank on 1-2pm ish for now.

What say the crowd, you guys want some cold beers waiting on ice?

ok fine, here's a photo

Later alliGATOR

Ok, so the hike leg(s) involves some scenic botany research. You won't believe the diversity of plant life crammed into the first section. The Fynbos warriors will be wideopen smiling.

Of course that does come with a tradeoff. My shins took a bit of mild exfoliation. No wild open cuts and scrapes like lantana or brambles, but just a few little nicks here and there. Not the end of the world, but just a little bit annoying.

And there's a whole whack of seeds and little sticks that want to come along for the ride too. Have a look at the stuff that collected below the tongue on my socks, and the rest that jumped inside too.

GATORS, worth their weight for sure.

few options here:

*for just keeping the shoes clean:

keeping the shins spotless:
*just somme get an old pair of jeans and cut below the knee, get creative with elastic and you're A for AWAY

*go buy some at your local hiking/sports store.

Some scouting scenes

We spent two days charging around the race course last week. Was good fun and opened up some more possibilities.

Did a hike that will never work at night (so you're saved) and found an even better finish venue.

Legs were a bit tired for the Totalsports Challenge, but it was a fun day in the sun nonetheless. I tried talking Dan Hugo into entering but he has sleep planned for that weekend!

Pictures taken by Daniel from www.irideafrica.com

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Campsite/race HQ

View from the deck - it's a pearler!your seconds will be in style.

Having loads of fun scouting, this broadcast is coming from a mountain peak

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

It's on here

Just at department of land surveying. Looking at this 18voertsek map of the western cape, location is here, somewhere

Monday, January 4, 2010

sneaky race piksha

photo from the secret location....i can spot rugby field, orchards, forest..and a big mountain

WPASS 100 - 2010 - web release 14 Dec

okee dokee crazee fit capey people, this is a newsflash par excellence - Put down that third mince pie!

just spent the week-end scouting a radilicious deluxe race course.

thanks to google earth, the mapping and survey department and aeroplanes with windows, I have found a spot worthy of ADVENTURE. so much so that I have to go back to the drawing board and decide what to LEAVE OUT!

BEST of all, the farmers and landowners in the area are soooper excited by the ideas. I even got offered horses!

100% money back GUARANTEES:
kick ass mtb riding (did i say singletrack? )
to die for views trail running
a little bit of flatwater paddling(with provisions to the boatless, you could run around or swim..so it's not a deal breaker- but rather beg, borrow or gumtree yourself a k1/k2/surfski. ..surfboards could even work, lilos probably not so much)
NAVIGATION and strategy skills to be rewarded, this is not extera

Payment Pending possible ASSURANCES:
Leafy campsite with dam for backup/pom pom girl fans
Kloofing section
SPECIAL spicy stage that will require a snorkel and goggles
DAN HUGO as race mc in a speedo(ok, i'm kidding, but anything to encourage the laydees to enter)

Maybe Baby Will have to check with the man upstairs Scenario:
Self sufficient racing - ie. no seconds required, will definitely be encouraged and helpful to your cause.

I have selected a format to be as inclusive as possible; hardcore wikus van heerden types and keen been but clueless newbies will both find it a challenging and rewarding experience.
pairs, trips or fours.(no relay format)
Date:23/24 January 2010
Stage Won: 10am-6pm
Stage Too:7pm-5am
Stage Free:6am-10am
Prizegiving 12pm

Full course do all stages, lite course skip Stage Too(the night stuff)
Stages Won and Too will involve Compulsory checkpoints and Bonus Optionals with serious penalties for missing cut-offs

$$$:Full course R300pp - Lite Course R250pp. frikken bargain!

Race area, ~2:30hours drive from Cape Town CBD

GREAT news - any person who lives EAST of the Breede River Mouth pays half price entry, [including you rich okes from the place of gold, sort out your business trips ASAP]. Entry details will be released in due course, please send any queries to westprov@gmail. com - I am going to be 'out of the office' and on my bike from the 15-20Dec.

nothing on the website, so don't go looking!

Steven Burnett and the WPASS massif

Any help with donating prizes muchos appreciados